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In July 2023 the Tillamook Board of County Commissioners voted to approve a new STR Ordinance: Ordinance #84 - Amendment #2. This STR ordinance is currently in effect in unincorporated areas of Tillamook County.


STR Registry - Published by Tillamook County & serves as a resource for neighbors to see if a home is a permitted STR, and shows contact info & maximum occupancy.


Percentage Cap - ( Separate Board Order) 1% growth management cap over current levels in each community while Community Development completes Phase 2 over the next 1-2 years to evaluate cap levels with each community and consider additional growth management tools.  This percentage cap will be used to calculate the number of allowed STRs in each community based on a percentage of the total number of properties with values over $50k. 


Please see additional charts & maps from the county.


All questions related to the new STR ordinance and implementation of regulations should be directed to Tillamook County:


Granicus STR Complaint Hotline: (503)-850-0402

Tillamook County's STR page with additional info: STR Resources

Tillamook County's STR Advisory Committee info: STRAC




A more detailed summary of regulations is available for Oregon Coast Host's Donor Circle - Please reach out for additional info.


  • New STRs will be limited to one per person/entity 

  • All existing STRs must meet many new rules by 2024 annual renewal

  • STRs must rent a minimum of 30 nights per year to qualify for renewal (starting in 2024 for 2025 renewals)

  • Density Limitation on STRs outside of Community Growth Boundaries - No new adjacent STRs allowed

  • No more STR "permit" - all are now an "STR License" which removes legal property rights with land use 

  • Maximum Occupancy calculated based on "bedroom" instead of "sleeping area"  

  • Bedroom requirements:

    • ​light, ventilation and heating

    • 70 square feet floor space, not less than 7' minimum in any horizontal direction

    • emergency escape & rescue opening

    • built-in closet, clothing organizer, armoire or similar clothing storage unit

    • smoke alarm

    • carbon monoxide detectors in bedrooms and outside of bedrooms

    • all sleeping areas used as a bedroom must be permitted for that use

  • Indemnification & Hold Harmless Agreement for Tillamook County

  • Transferability - Current permit holders will be limited to ONE transfer despite law requiring transferability

  • Transferability - New license holders will have NO transferability - not even among family

  • Existing Permit Transferability - STRs with permits that were switched to licenses may transfer their new license one time outside of their family (for example, upon sale of their home). This limit does not apply to change in owner resulting from death, divorce, marriage, or inheritance (those are allowed and do not count as a transfer for existing permit holders)

  • One off-street parking space required per bedroom - min 8ft x 16ft

  • Require renters to park on-site, even if public street parking is available

  • No STR property shall have more than 6 parking spaces for overnight guests

  • 2 additional daytime guest parking spots allowed 

  • Up to 2 required parking spaces may be satisfied with on-street parking provided on-street parking is within 100ft of the subject property boundaries and authorized by the Tillamook County Public Works Department. On-street parking spaces shall be a minimum size of 8 feet x 20 feet each. $500+ public works application required.

  • Renewal inspections every 3 years

  • $100 fee to change Contact Person

  • Contact Person shall be available 24/7 and respond/answer immediately or within 30 minutes, and must be able to arrive on site within 60 minutes of original complaint if a phone call is not sufficient to remedy

  • Max Occupancy - homes with 4 or fewer bedrooms

    • 2 per bedroom + 2 guests plus up to 3 children age 12 and under

    • ​​Highest max occupancy may be 10 people & plus 3 children age 12 and under

  • Estate Homes - single family dwellings with 5+ bedrooms

    • ​Max Occupancy allows 2 more bedrooms with 2 people/bedroom

    • Highest max occupancy may be 14 people & up to 3 children age 12 and under

  • Max Daytime Occupancy is limited to overnight maximum occupancy + 6 

  • No "other noise" may be heard beyond property boundaries 10pm-7am

  • Contact person must arrive on site at STR within 60 minutes of original phone call if complaint is not remedied

  • Exterior lighting directed downward to prevent glare onto adjacent properties

  • Weekly trash collection with assisted pickup required

  • Unattended barking dogs not allowed

  • Interior Mandatory Postings 

    • ​License number & info (max occupancy etc...)

    • Good Neighbor Policy

    • STR Complaint Hotline

    • Tsunami map if in zone

    • Parking Diagram

  • ​Exterior Mandatory Postings

    • STR License number 

    • STR Complaint Hotline

    • STR Address

  • If inspection not approved there is a timeline + re-inspection after which permit is invalid if repairs not approved

    • ​30 days for minor repairs

    • 60 days for major repairs

  • SEPTIC: Obtain an Authorization Notice from Department Onsite Wastewater Division or Existing System Evaluation Report (by Dec 31, 2024) to show number of allowed bedrooms based on capacity of septic system - 60 days to correct deficiencies or lose permit & septic inspection prior to renewal.

    • Annual septic inspection prior to renewal​

  • STR Hotline - Respond immediately or within 30 minutes to complaints & respond in-person within 30 minutes to any additional successive complaints

  • Unresolved complaints are an immediate violation

  • 3 or more verified violations of any local ordinance, state or federal regulation within a 12-month period are grounds for immediate revocation or suspension of license



snippets from all perspectives of public comments & communications


“STR rules should be easy to enforce, and equitable to all" - Mark, Neskowin


‘If we were not able to rent our home, it would simply sit empty between our visits” - Karen, Neskowin


“Our ultimate goal is to live there permanently when we retire in a few more years. Until then, in order to make the mortgage payments, we need to rent it out to vacationers. We do not make a profit; everything we get from rents goes right back into the house.” - Gene & Karen, Neskowin 


“I ask for the County's compassion for owners like myself, whom have had the misfortune of being denied the ability to get a permit, simply because a specific date was declared a deadline, without consideration of those whom were deep into the process."  Arthur - Tierra Del Mar


“Investors who are buying up multiple homes" - Steven, Neahkahnie


"Some of you dare to consider yourselves part of our community when really you have absolutely nothing to do with our actual community. You have your own little group and pretend that you care about the economic health of Neskowin and other towns, but all you actually care about is protecting your own financial interests... Your businesses (STRs) are parasites on our community. That you fancy yourselves to be part of us, is delusional...  Disgusting.  Your thinly veiled greed isn’t fooling anyone around here. Whatever the result of the STR ordinance, you lose at life, you lose at being decent humans." - Liz Vitale, Neskowin  


“Oregon guarantees the public's access to our beaches. In essence, limiting a place to stay so one can easily visit and enjoy the beach community, just to protect local property owners, will impose a severe inconvenience that in effect drives the potential beach visitor away." - Barbara & Mark, Neskowin


"The wave of new STR's is now a serious concern - stressing public services and our ability to meet emergency needs in a disaster." - Mike, Neahkahnie


"But when a neighbor decides to turn a residence into a full-time short-term rental, that becomes an imposition that's not very neighborly. For one thing, the owner is hardly ever present so they won't feed your cat or water your plants. But more importantly, they often have a rapid turnover of guests, who generally are on vacation and are often noisier with more people, cars, garbage and dogs than a full time neighbor or a vacation home used by one family." Dave - Neskowin


"We're surrounded by many rentals, so we witness a lot of bad behavior. Many STR owners and management companies are totally oblivious to this…  Those of us that live here are the ones that should determine how this community exists and develops. That is our right and it is our responsibility, not outside investors…  People who own 24/7 vacation rentals are outsiders. Those owners who rent their homes and are here sporadically throughout the year, or not at all, have no perception or idea what really happens here on a day to day basis. They should not be allowed to formulate and propose ordinances that only benefit their businesses." - Candice & Gregory, Neskowin


"As a tourist town that lacks much of the industry of other more populated areas, the lifeblood of PC is tourism. It seems counterintuitive to choke out the revenue and reason for many of the jobs in that area with legislation that is being proposed." - Dan & Missy, Pacific City


"Our short-term rental is a house that has been in the family for 24 years. It was handed down to us by my wife's parents…  However, right now we simply cannot afford to keep it if we cannot cover some expenses through STR...  If we are not allowed to keep it as a short-term rental, we will not be able to keep the family house. We aren't "making bank" on our STR, but it is just paying for itself, at the moment." - Bret & Amy, Pine Ridge


"Without short term rentals, Pacific City and many other unincorporated rural areas would be a ghost town. The shortage of workforce housing would be moot, as the local workforce would be evicerated."   - John, Pacific City


"After my children grew up and left home I rented the house for fifteen years as low income housing. Many people rented the house over the years but the damage and upkeep became prohibitive. There were some good renters but so many others left us with thousands of dollars of damage, trash and drug paraphernalia, dangerous dogs that ran through the neighborhood and abandoned cars. It was pretty much a nightmare…   It [Airbnb] has been the best experience I've ever had aside from when I raised my children in this house many years ago. It has made living here possible for me again, and I have a fulfilling sense of our home being sustainable for the first time ever as well as a sense that we are providing a positive service for many in the local and larger community." - Helen, Neahkahnie


"We have had this cabin in our family for 85 years and have seen a lot of changes to our little area… The lawn is kept maintained, the roof replaced all by renting it out.   Not to make money but to keep it maintained for generations to come." - Serena, Tierra del Mar


"My wife and I own a home in Neahkahnie that we both use as our second home and also rent it out as a STR. We are a part of the community and consider many of our neighbors our friends…"- Geoffrey, Neahkahnie


"Please know there are many of us who couldn't afford the joys of living in a place like Neahkahnie Mountain without being able to offer our homes as STRs." - Pam & Justin, Neahkahnie


"Our coastal unincorporated areas are vital to the economy of the entire county. Since Neskowin, and several other coastal communities have no hotels, STRs are vital to providing accommodations for our visitors." - Roger, Neskowin


"STRs allow equal access to the beach to many various demographics while stimulating the local economy."  - Jerome, Manzanita


"We have a vacation rental in Neskowin. It is unique in that it has been a vacation rental since it was built in 1923. It has never been occupied full time by any owner. Now people are suggesting that we should no longer be allowed to rent our property in the manner it has been rented for 100 years." - Skip, Neskowin

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